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On April 1, 2020, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc signed Decision No. 447 / QD-TTg on Publicizing Infectious Diseases in Vietnam, right after issued Directive No. 16 / CT-TTg on implementing urgent measures to prevent and control COVID-19 on the evening of March 31, 2020

The decision to announce the Covid-19 epidemic caused by a new strain of the Corona virus nationwide with the nature of Group A infectious disease, the degree of global pandemic. Regarding the new directive issued by the Prime Minister, Chairman of the Government Office Mai Tien Dung - affirmed that the requirement of social isolation is not the blockade of the country as some other countries have done. Accordingly, the implementation of social isolation within 15 days started from 0:00 on April 1, 2020 on a national scale according to the principle of family isolating from families; villages isolating from villages;  communes isolating from communes; districts isolating from districts; provinces isolating from provinces. Manufacture and production plants have to ensure a safe distance, wear masks, disinfect and sterilize according to regulations.

In fact, home quarantined does not mean that citizens cannot go out to buy food, medicine ... when really needed. 'Request people to stay at home, only to go out in case of necessity such as buying food, medicine, emergency, working at factories, production facilities, business establishments essential services and commodities which are not being closed, shut down and other emergencies as prescribed; strictly enforce keeping a minimum distance of 2m when communicating ', extracting the content of Directive No. 16 / CT-TTg.

Government spokesman- Mai Tien Dung also said that Directive No. 16 / CT-TTg is only the recommendations, restrictions and requirements that the Government leaders have issued, not the ban. The Minister also emphasized that the Government has not issued a blockade because it is still in control of the situation. Therefore, it is still necessary to ensure the issues of daily life, production and socio-economic issues.

In addition, Hanoi also requested to stop the meeting, events gathered over 20 people in one room; Strictly stop religious services, activities with 20 or more people at the religious place, belief, worship; stop all cultural, sports and recreational activities in public places. When gathering under 20 people, disinfect medical hygiene, check body temperature, wear a mask and make a minimum distance of 2m between people.

Ho Chi Minh City also provides all students of educational institutions in the area to leave until April 19, 2020. Pupils, students and students of vocational education block in the city area will study from home until May 3, 2020.

Updated situation of COVID-19 infection in the world as of April 3, 2020, source WHO

Moreover, the Council of Judges of the Supreme People's Court has issued Official Letter 45 / TANDTC-PC on the trial of crimes related to the prevention and control of Covid-19 epidemic, including points featured on:

  • No medical declaration, evading quarantine will result in criminal prosecution;
  • Business establishments that "intentionally" conduct business may be penalized;
  • False information about the Covid-19 will be criminally handled, and;
  • Handling criminals who take advantage of epidemics to buy/sell illicit drugs and medical supplies

In this Official Letter, the Council of Judges of the Supreme People's Court requests the application of strict penalties for crimes that cause serious consequences (such as spreading epidemics to 2 or more people, causing death. ...), the points to note as follows:


At the same time, during the disease of Covid-19, cases related to Covid-19 prevention must be brought to trial (but the courtroom is maximum to 10 people, the distance between the participants in the trial is minimal 02 meters ...);  appropriate propaganda plans to ensure common education and prevention.

Some update in sanctions in Vietnamese law regarding Covid 19 for:

No medical declaration, evading quarantine will result in criminal prosecution;

Business establishments that "intentionally" conduct business may be penalized;

False information about the Covid-19 will be criminally handled, and;

Handling criminals who take advantage of epidemics to buy / sell illicit drugs and medical supplies